I am not sure what exactly but looks like many things went wrong about this game even tho. I know that MP/shooter market is packed but i feel like Rocket Arena deserves so much more. It makes me really sad that game as polished and fun as Rocket Arena is struggling hard with playerbase and popularity. And it's also a paid game at least on PC.
#Best player in rocket arena Ps4
It looks like majority of PS4 players are playing that new MP game Fall Guys (launched as free PS+ title), same thing for PC players, it peaked at more than 120k, i repeat 120k consecutive players few hours ago. But it looks like sadly it didn't do much in the long run. While filled with new players these were definitely the best few days this game had. There was also free weekend on Steam/Origin and XB1. Game was released as paid 30$ game and shorty after that discounted by 80% and also added to Origin/EA access. sadly i am starting to feel powerless because like i said it just feels like so many things are against it. I am talking and posting about it on social media. I gifted two Mythic Edition copies, one here on reddit and another on on gaming forum few days after the game was released. Sadly looks like many people are not interested in at least trying the game. I am playing the game on Steam since day one, and since that day i am trying to let everyone know about the game and tell them how awesome it is. Because honestly i am not even sure what should and what can we do.

I want to talk about the future and what can we do as a community to help the game grow. I don't want to talk about that, it's in the past. We all know how the game was "promoted" and how bad the marketing actually was.
#Best player in rocket arena full
I want to see it show it's full potential but sadly many things are against the game and against us, people playing the game. First of all i want to say that i absolutely love this game and i want to see it succeed and shine.